One of the most popular ways to display images is on the walls of our homes. Some are traditionally framed, some are on canvas, and others on something contemporary like metal. Whatever medium you choose, being able to design a set of images that fit the size and look of the wall can be challenging.
Many of us are visual, so we need to see what the final design will look like before investing in the products. Let me show you how easy it is to design a canvas display specifically for your wall using your images during the ordering session.
Step One Wall image
Take a picture of the wall you'd like to design for and email it to me. Be sure to measure something in the picture that we can reference so the software knows how to scale the pictures accurately. In this case, I know the width of the side table is 14 inches. You can also tape a regular 8.5x11 piece of paper on the wall.
Step Two Drag & drop a few favorites on the wall
Step Three Play with sizing and select favorite grouping
This is the fun part! We can add, delete or exchange images, and also change the dimensions to get it exactly how you like.
Step Four Order
I'll take care of this for you!
Step Five Hang your new display on your wall
Now your wall is exactly how you envisioned it
If you completed a session with me in the past and would like to set up time to design a wall in your home, send me a note and we'll set some time on the calendar!